
如今,大多数人依靠电脑来工作和休闲. 他们是生命线,可以帮助你更有效率,同时保持你与你所爱的人和世界的联系. Until they stop working as they should, that is.

处理一台没有达到最佳运行状态或出现明显问题的电脑, such as a cracked screen, can be exhausting and frustrating. At a computer repair store like California Computer, we provide an array of repair services that can help.

Diagnosis and Troubleshooting

Sometimes, you may not know what’s wrong with your computer, only that it’s not working as it needs to. If it’s unresponsive or encountering errors, 您可能需要进行诊断测试以查明确切的问题.

在加州计算机公司,我们将隔离问题是源于软件还是硬件问题. 我们还可以确定是否有病毒或恶意软件需要解决.

病毒可以在任何计算机上肆虐,使您的信息处于危险之中. 它们是在计算机之间传播并破坏软件和数据的恶意软件. When executed, 病毒通过修改其他计算机程序并将自己的代码插入其中来复制自己.


一旦我们确认你是否有恶意软件, 我们采取必要的步骤来删除它,以便您可以重新获得完全使用您的计算机.

Hardware Repairs

硬件维修是指恢复计算机系统的部件. The services can include replacing:

  • Hard drives
  • Power jacks
  • Motherboards
  • Keyboards
  • LCD screens
  • Power supplies

We provide component-level micro-soldering, services that repair faulty sectors in hard drives, reseating modules if there are RAM issues, and so much more. 如果您的计算机的中央处理器(CPU)过热或连接断开, 我们提供了更换冷却系统和重新安装CPU的机会.

如果你丢失了重要的文件或电子邮件,因为硬盘驱动器故障和系统损坏, we can help you recover them. Many times, hardware malfunctions lead to this.


At our computer repair store, 我们可以安装或重新安装各种操作系统, including Windows, Linux, or Mac OS. 自己安装操作系统既费时又复杂, requiring that you install drivers, applications, 并正确更新,以确保计算机正常运行.

对于那些有一台新电脑,需要从旧电脑传输文件或迁移设置的人, we can also help.

Understanding the Problem: Software Troubleshooting

如果您的应用程序和程序出现故障,我们的团队可以诊断和解决错误. 如果新安装的软件不能正常工作,这一点至关重要,因为这可能意味着软件兼容性问题或恶意软件问题.

Gaming PC Building and Optimization

我们能够组装高性能的游戏设备. 我们为玩家提供的服务之一是微调所有软件和硬件,以提供每秒最大帧数,这样你就可以拥有无缝流畅的游戏玩法.

Responsible Computer Recycling and Trade-In

If you have a computer you’d like to get rid of, 我们提供数据清除服务和可持续的电子垃圾回收. 你也可以用旧电脑换现金. 如果你在市场上,我们也可以推荐新的选择.

Apple Computer Repairs

Despite being simple to operate, Apple products 如果你需要修复它们,就提出特殊的挑战. For one thing, 苹果电脑很难打开,因为它们依靠的螺丝不符合行业标准. 苹果还提供非模块化产品,这意味着所有东西都是粘合或焊接在一起的.

For example, 苹果乐投letou下载的电池通常是粘在机壳上的, RAM通常是焊接在主板上的.

乐投letou下载,我们提供屏幕维修和更换. 我们还提供苹果硬盘维修,更换服务和RAM升级,以提高性能.

If you’ve lost data, 我们有可靠的苹果数据恢复软件和硬件保存删除, corrupted, or damaged files. If you’re worried about cloud backups, we can configure them for you, along with external drive backups.


Lenovo Computer Repairs

乐投letou下载是联想授权的维修中心, and we have experience fixing Lenovo notebooks, desktops, ThinkPads, tablets, and servers. We’ve worked with all types of models, fixing a variety of issues, including data recovery problems, screen repairs and replacements, and much more.
ASUS PC Repairs

乐投letou下载是一个认证的华硕服务电脑维修店, 允许我们恢复你的电脑,如果你遇到问题或正在努力较慢的功能. 我们对游戏装备修复有特殊的兴趣. One of the best things we offer is same-day fixes, 我们可以提供什么,因为我们手头有库存.

如果你有电池问题,我们提供电池更换服务. 通过SSD优化服务,我们还可以帮助优化存储,以确保您的PC工作在最佳状态.



Your computer is a crucial part of your life, 因此,在维修方面,您需要信任合适的人. 通过求助于像乐投letou下载这样的电脑维修店, 你会从有多年经验的人那里得到帮助,他们会提供优质的服务.

Even if you’re not sure what the problem is, bring your computer to the store, and we can run a diagnostic test on it. Because we have experience with Apple products, as well as ASUS, Lenovo, and so many other brands, we are a go-to store in the area.

Get the computer help 您今天需要什么,请乐投letou下载加州计算机公司.
